How can I register my return?

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Within the trial period of 14 days your order or a part of your order can be sent back free of charge, within the European Union and other selected countries . Register your return online within the 14 day trial period and sent back your order or part of your order within the following 14 days. 

- Please neatly pack the items you want to return back into the PB box
- Shoes need to be returned in the orginal packaging (do not use the shoebox for shipping)
- Some beauty/home products can’t be returned when the seal is broken after delivery
- Stick the included return sticker on the box

For returns, a handling fee of 1.95 will be deducted.

Registering your return online with an account:
- Log into your account
- Register your return
- Fill in the reason of return
- Check and confirm your return

Registering your return online without an account:
- Go to the return page
- Fill in your name and your order number
- Your order number is stated in the order confirmation e-mail - please save this e-mail well!
- Fill in the reason of return
- Check and confirm your return

When you return your entire order, shipping costs will also be refunded.

As soon as we've received your return registration, we'll send you an e-mail that further explains the returning process. 

Returning from the U.S.A., United Kingdom, Norway and Switserland
Returns from the U.S.A, UK, Norway and Switserland will only be accepted when sent with UPS. UPS will accept your parcel free of charge at a nearby UPS service point.

Please follow these steps:
- Print your return label - including the necessary documents - which can be found under ‘get shipping label’ in the email you’ll receive from UPS, after registering your return online.
- In case you haven’t received an email from UPS, please check your spambox.
- Place the documents and return label in the plastic holder that came with your order and attach this to the outside of your package.
- Drop off your package at your nearest UPS point.

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