What are the return conditions?

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Within the trial period of 14 days an article may be returned. We would like to receive the article unworn (you may try it on), in its original packaging and with hangtags. If the product is damaged or stained, we may charge you for this. You will be notified by email. You can also choose to have the item sent back to you at your own expense. For returns, a handling fee of 1,95 will be deducted. For UK orders a non-refundable import tax of 10GBP is applied.

Some hygiene and beauty products are excluded from the right of withdrawal if the seal has been broken after delivery. Briefs, swimsuits and bikini bottoms must be tried on over your own underwear without removing the protected adhesive strip. Inflatable products may only be returned unopened.

Share our love for clothes!
We share your passion for clothing and want you to be satisfied with your purchase. Our dedication to carefully packing and shipping your order comes from our love of our craft. Should you, for any reason, consider returning an item, we kindly ask that you treat the garments with the same care we have given them. This includes avoiding stains and damage during the fitting and return of the items. Please take into account possible factors such as makeup stains, pet hair and unpleasant odors so that we can offer the clothes to someone else in optimal condition.

Repeated Returns
PB. offers a flexible returns policy to make your online shopping experience even easier. We do monitor the number of returns made by customers and continued returns in breach of our terms and conditions will be flagged and may, at our discretion, lead to the closure of your PB account or future orders being refused. If this applies to your account, we will be in touch.

In cases where there is repeatedly a significant return rate, we may be compelled to deduct a reasonable fee for shipping costs when processing returns.

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